Dead Sea Salt


The Dead Sea is known for its therapeutic properties, and people have traveled to its shores for centuries to soak in the salty, majestic waters. The clean, unpolluted air and warm climate provide a healing environment that is like no other place in the world. Dead Sea salt is filled with natural healing elements that occur naturally in our bodies but are often lost as we go about our busy days. Soaking in water enriched with this salt is known to benefit the body from the inside out, treating skin conditions and improving internal processes.

You can experience the therapeutic benefits of Dead Sea salts in the form of bath salts – but be careful when you choose your salts. Most of the bath salts you will find in stores are, in fact, no different than ordinary table salt. Many bath salts are often treated before they are sold, and many important minerals are removed during the process. If the bath salts are pure white, this is a bad sign- they have been treated and processed, and contain no Dead Sea benefits.

Our Minera Dead Sea salts are the finest quality bath salts you will find. They are harvested from the Southern end of the Dead Sea, where the mineral content of the waters is at its highest. The salts are delivered to our customers in their pure, raw form, containing all the essential minerals that were there since the beginning.

Dead Sea Salts contain 21 minerals including magnesium, calcium, sulphur, bromide, iodine, sodium, zinc and potassium. These essential minerals naturally occur in our bodies but must be replenished, as they are lost throughout the day. These minerals are known to treat, detoxify, and cleanse our bodies.

The following table details some of the healing properties of these minerals:
Here are some common ailments that are effectively treated using Dead Sea salt:

Magnesium: Promotes quick healing of skin tissue and provides the skin’s surface with anti-allergic elements. Also essential for cell metabolism.

Bromide: Soothes skin, relaxes body muscles, and calms nerves.

Iodine: Important for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland and is aids in the body's metabolic exchanges.

Sulfur: A natural disinfectant (constituent of certain vitamins). Known as a powerful detoxifying agent, as it works closely with the liver to rid the body of toxins.

Potassium: Helps balance moisture in the skin and body, aiding in the reduction of water retention and in the nourishment of cells. Potassium also regulates the nervous system.

Calcium: An essential mineral, known to strengthen bones and teeth. Also strengthens cell membranes and cleanses pores.

Sodium: Relieves stiffness and muscle cramps. Sodium is also a powerful detoxifying agent, helping cells retain nourishment and expel waste.

Zinc: When applied topically, it is known to protect the skin against sunburn and windburn. Also known to boost the immune system. Internally, it is a key factor in enzymatic regulation of cell proliferation.

As you can see, these minerals play an important role in our health and provide many benefits. These minerals have incredible properties on their own, and when combined, they are known to treat and heal many common conditions.


Our Skin
Our skin is the first thing we see when we look in the mirror. All to often, our skin shows signs of wear and tear – it is rough, scaly, inflamed, and dry. Our skin is the first victim in the aging process, with creases and wrinkles that often appear too soon, making us look older and more tired than we feel.  Dead Sea minerals help nourish and treat the skin in a variety of ways, restoring balance and rejuvenating the outer and inner layers, making us appear younger and healthier.

General Skin Conditioning
he skin is largest organ in the human body and is also the most vunerable. Continued exposure to the elements, chemicals and aging all take there toll on the skin. Therefore it is important to support and nurture the skin in order to restore health and enhance function.

Common Skin Disorders
Acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, dandruff, scabies and seborrhea are some of the most common – and unpleasant - skin disorders suffered by Americans today. Psoriasis alone is said to affect 3% of the population to some degree. Most of us have had to deal with embarrassing white flakes on our scalps and have struggled to find a cure. Most of us have had cracked, dry skin and attempt to soften our arms and hands with greasy, thick creams that only work for so long. Our treatment of many skin conditions can be temporary and expensive at best, and dangerous at worst: many creams and lotions contain steroids or coal derivatives. These treatments are not always effective and can have harmful side effects, and are therefore not ideal for continued, long-term use.

Acne is probably the most common skin disorder of all – 80-90% of all adolescents suffer from it. Acne, contrary to popular believe, is not caused by diet. Chocolate and greasy food aren’t to blame. Acne is caused by many factors and many involve internal processes such as stress and hormone fluctuations. Dead Sea salt is high in sulfur, and sulfur is a powerful cleanser that has been proven to treat acne effectively.

Dry skin is also all too common. Our skin becomes parched as a result of climate and lack of moisture, especially in the cold, dry months of winter. Dead Sea water is a wonderful treatment for dry skin, as it nourishes the skin and replenishes much-needed moisture.

Research has proven that soaking regularly in water enriched with Dead Sea salt can provide relief from these unpleasant skin disorders without any side effects (see spa therapy treatments). In fact, Dead sea salt has been recommended by the international psoriasis community and the National Psoriasis